Dear Church Family,
For nearly 30 years Jessamine Christian Church has built a legacy of serving our community and providing hope. Our mission as a church is to "Share the Gospel & Share our Lives." (1 Thess. 2:8)

In Psalm 145:4 it says, "One generation will declare Your works to the next and will proclaim Your mighty acts." With that in mind, our church family is set to embark upon a 25-month generosity initiative that we are calling, A Legacy for Generations. This generosity initiative is all about being good stewards of what God has given us. We pray that just as those who have gone before us, we also will leave a legacy in our families, our church, our community and around the world.

We have a desire to keep reaching people for Christ, so we want to create more room for new people and ensure that our ministry spaces are inviting. To help accomplish these goals, we want to upgrade and renovate our building, as well as pay off our existing mortgage. This generosity initiative will position us for even greater impact for the Kingdom.

I encourage you to pray about your part in this journey. As God leads us through this process, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions and partner with us. Our success will depend on God's gracious provision through the faith and generous response of every one of us.

This is a God-sent, God-sized vision for Jessamine Christian Church and I'm extremely excited about the future of JCC and am grateful to be a part of this church family. Thank you for your partnership in accomplishing our vision. I cannot wait to see the Lord's blessing poured out in our church and community as we give to create,
A Legacy for Generations!
- Pastor Lee Faust

the facts


There are some many people at JCC who have come to experience the life-giving power of Jesus Christ. These stories we recorded are only a handful of the many lives being transformed. We hope that this small glimpse into what Jesus is doing here at Jessamine Christian Church will encourage you.

The Past

Lee Faust (Senior Pastor) sat down with Randall Chewning to discuss how ministry is built on the shoulders of those who come before us. Randel shares how the last generosity initiative impacted him and how he hopes this initiative will also leave a lasting impacting for our people.


Heidi Warren (Kid's Pastor) invited one of her many wonderful kids to share what her experience with JCC KIDS has been like! Evey Davis gives her powerful testimony about encountering Jesus and making Him her Lord and Savior!

The Present

Jacob Schaefer and Dalton King (Youth Pastor) have a conversation about how the different events, services, and youth community have had a lasting impact on him. He tells Dalton that these youth programs have been foundational in his walk with Christ.

The future

Monty Cooper (Executive Pastor) and Matt Simpson open up about family, responsibility, and raising children to be Christ-honoring adults. Matt shares his heart for Jessamine County, and how he hopes that JCC continues being a light for our community. 

a legacy for generations

Watch our first sermon that kicks off our Generosity Initiative Sermon Series. If you'd like to watch the more click here.